KFHS Newsletter |
January 19, 2025

Lindy Loo on the Move!
January is
Clean-Up month!
Everybody clean up!

Maggie May with the Mop!
Save the date January 28 - KDGS Library presentation by Claire Smith-Burns
January 23, 2025 |
KFHS Regular Meeting - January 23 2025 • Heritage House
Let's Visit Scandinavia
6:00 - 6:30 - Set up (15 Chairs, 2 Tables & Large Screen)
6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:45 - Presentations
Let's Talk Research Queries - Barb Pillar
Let's Talk Scandinavian - Connie Walker, Karen Collins & Kim
7:45 - 8:00 - Break
8:00 - 8:30 - Draft KFHS 2025-2026 Management Team Restructure
8:30 Clean-up

Organization is truly the key to success in Family History! Start the year out right by attending our FREE January 28th Family History Forum
Organizing Your Online Research and Digital Files
by presenter, Claire Smith-Burns
One of the biggest concerns most genealogists have is how to organize their paper and digital files. We will look at organizational ideas, from keeping Research and Correspondence Logs to best ways to download and organize digital files, to using genealogical software to link your paper and digital research files. A good filing system will allow you to easily put your fingers on your family history documents. A handout will be provided.
When: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 7pm, via Zoom
Family History Forums are a partnership presentation series of the Kelowna & District Genealogical Society and the Okanagan Regional Library. The topics vary but are typically at the beginner’s level in Family History research. All are welcome to these FREE Zoom presentations, but pre-registration is required through the ORL’s Events Calendar, Family History Forum - LibCal - Okanagan Regional Library (https://orl.libcal.com/event/3838478). Be sure to enter your email address correctly and watch for the email from the ORL to confirm your registration and the Zoom link plus a handout.
FREE TO KFHS MEMBERS (Check out What's New for the instructions to register)
Be sure to register for the Kelowna & District Genealogical Society’s February 3rd meeting, featuring renowned genealogist, Thomas MacEntee!
AI & Genealogy: Trouble Ahead
While AI (artificial intelligence) might be the current “hot” buzz word, the fact is that many genealogy vendors and even genealogists have already been using this technology for years. The AI industry is at a crossroads and within the next five years, it will permeate almost every aspect of business and society. Learn how AI is currently being used to improve the genealogy experience, and whether or not you should seek out other uses of artificial intelligence for your own genealogy research.
Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community. See https://genealogybargains.com/previous-engagements/ for over 1,000 previous lecture appearances from 2009 to the present. Thomas lives in Chicago, Illinois.
Date: Monday, February 3, 2025, 7pm
Location: via Zoom
Price: KDGS members Free; non-members $10 (via e-transfer or PayPal); REGISTRATION REQUIRED (or https://kdgs.ca/2025/2025-february-general-meeting/) – everyone must register to receive the Zoom link and handout
Bite-size: My DNA Story, presenter, KDGS member, Elaine Malcolm |
- Our Members' Profiles & Surveys are now on our website for members only: https://www.kfhs.org/members-only/members-profiles-and-surveys.htm. The Survey will give you access to which countries and surnames our members are researching and the Profile will give you contact details for any of our members so you can get in touch with them.
If you have not yet completed your Profile and Survey Form, please contact Linda and she will send you the forms to complete. These were originally sent out in August of last year.
- Be sure to check out the latest Exchange Letters including the one from Victoria Genealogical Society, BCGS Genealogist 2024 Vol. 54.4, and from Campbell River and Saskatchewan (CLICK HERE)
- A reminder for how to register for the February 3, 2025 KDGS FREE webinar:
1. On the Registration Link, click 'N0' to Are you a paid up member of KDGS? Click “maybe interested in joining KDGS at a later date”.
2. Fill in the fields at the bottom of the page, and put in the coupon code: KFHS1982.
3. Then click on 'Next Page' and choose the date of the Meeting you are registering for.
4. Finally click on 'Next Page' and fill in about how you heard about this meeting. You could put "through Claire Smith Burns".
5. Click on 'Register'.
If you have any Questions don't hesitate to call Marg at 778-220-8446

This is a photo of the incredible Lego Family Tree Barb Pillar made this year!
Calendar of Holidays
(Found in my Mom's stuff) from Hallmark Spelling as listed in the Calendar. Year unknown.
List of Holidays
1. New Year
2. Be Sick At Work Day
3. Annual Toadstool Festival
4. Prejudice Day
5. Annual Riot of Left Wing Birdwatchers
6. Twelfth Night
7. Tournament of Skunk Cabbage
8. Fourteenth night
9. Bluebeards Wedding Anniversary
10. Kick a Cocker Spaniel Day
11. Nurse your Cocker Spaniel Bites Day
12. Drink more Rice Beer Day’s eve
13. Drink more Rice Beer Day
14. Night of the Marvelous Elephant Tusk
15. Cribbage Tournament Appreciation Day
16. Take a Gnat to the Oculist Day
17. The Kallinkak Family reunion
18. Wallflowers Rally
19. Smoo Barn Dance
20. Don’t Day
21. Kayak Safety Day
22. Alligator Wrestling Matches
23. Gala Accordion Festival
24. Autogyro Day
25. Octuplets’ Convention
26. Knish Night
27. Annual Flooding of Lizard Creek
28. Fold an Origami Squid Day
29. Anniversary of the Scanton Sirens Orchestra
30. Tonawanda Marble Tournament
31. Plaid Day
(Submitted by Barb Pillar)