November 24, 2024
Ho, Ho, Ho!
Here comes Santa hoping you will able to join us at our Christmas Social on November 28 at 6:30 p.m. as we celebrate the season. In 2025 we will continue to build and maintain the website with your appreciated support. We will not be producing a December Newsletter as Linda and I are taking a break. We will produce a January 2025 Newsletter for distribution before our January 23, 2025 meeting.
So to all . . . . .
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
November 24, 2024
Please note that our next regular meeting is Thursday, November 28. As this will be our Christmas Social, please bring your favourite appetizer or dessert for us to share, plus a donation for the local Food Bank would be appreciated. Please bring cash or make your cheque payable to the Kamloops Food Bank.
* We will have the oven on should you need to keep your appetizer warm.
HERE'S AN IDEA - If you are willing to share your favourite appetizer or sweet recipe for future newsletters, please bring a copy with you to the November meeting.
- Set up at 6:00 p.m.
- Christmas Social starts at 6:30 p.m.
- Enjoy some fun with 'What Do You Really Know About Christmas in Canada?'
January 7, 2025 |
The next Management meeting will be Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Social Talk at 6:30 pm. Meeting Talk at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Our Management Team Zoom meetings are open for any of our members to attend.
Just email and we will send you an invite.
7:00 - Let's Talk "Genealogy"
7:15 - Let's Talk "How to on Screen Share on Zoom"
7:30 - Let's Talk " Research Query Team"
7:45 - Let's Talk "Finances"
8:00 - Let's Talk " About Anything on Your Mind"
8:30 - We are Done
January 25, 2025
January is Clean Up Month
Let's Sing "Clean Up, Clean Up Everybody Clean Up"
KFHS General Meeting at Heritage House - Social 6:30 p.m., Meeting 7:00 p.m.
"Let's Talk Scandinavian"
6:00 - 6:30 - Set up
6:30 - 7:00 - Social
7:00 - 7:30 - Meeting 7:30 - 7:45 - Tips Tools
7:45 - 8:00 - Break
8:00 - 8:30 - Helping Hands
8:30 - Clean up
When an opportunity knocked, our KFHS members opened a new door!!!
We were contacted by Laverne Atchison who was one of the first members of the KFHS when it was formed in 1982. She now resides at The Residence (Retirement Home) in Valleyview, and had gathered a group of residents together to share and research family history. Laverne needed to have some 'Helping Hands' to get them started, so on October 22 our 'Helping Hands' (Barb, Karen, Kay, Marg and Linda) were delighted to help. Marg presented a slide presentation '"Rookie Mistakes", while Barb shared 'Great Moments' - an interesting story about her ancestor, George Albert Wood. Lesson: there is more to family history than just names, dates and sources. Linda, Kay, Barb and Karen enjoyed spending time with one-to-one help.
Many thanks to our KFHS 'Helping Hands' as they have been back to visit the residents and they plan to continue assisting them. Thanks to our member, Connie, who also lent a 'Helping Hand'. Who knows? We may find more doors and opportunities!
At our Regular Meeting on October 25, 2024 we welcomed new members, Linda Healy and Diane Jeremiah. In keeping with our 2024-2025 Meeting Theme 'Around the World with KFHS', we enjoyed presentations on "England & Wales" by Marg ('my favourite ancestor'), Linda ('the sad life of my English grandma'), Barb ('how I got started researching in England before the internet!' ) and Kim ('a brief presentation on my husband's and my parents and grandparents, using old family photographs as visuals').
Some of our members admiring the professional produced and impressive banner of the family tree of our new member, Diane Jeremiah!
Important Notice: KDGS UPCOMING MEETING Zoom Presentations Spring 2025
Stay tuned as we have not received the Program schedule.
- Keep in touch with What's New on our KFHS Website for the latest Exchange Newsletters